Monday, November 15, 2010

So it begins.

I am honestly lacking direction for this. My current listlessness and dwindling enthusiasm for all things surrounding social activities is making this task harder than necessary. Recently I've been studying the schema of media/societal norms and it has me analyzing everything I come in contact with. Blah Blah

So here I am, on a monday, bored with the mundane, yet not finding anything else of interest.

I'll get over it, dont worry.

Random buzz: I need a dress for new years. Know any good sites? I'm currently on this online shopping kick, its easier and it saves time. Im not exactly sure what my new years plans are, but I know I'll be somewhere galavanting around the city.

I titled this "Drag me through the mud" b/c thats the sum of my feelings for this part of my life. Melodramatic? Yes, but whatever. Its a constant struggle of tending to my "responsibilities" and differentiating the objectivity from the subjectivity of everything.

I just want to sleep :-/